Desarrollo de un portal para una forja de proyectos de código abierto basado en el generador de sitios webs estáticos de Jekyll

Alberto Esteban. (2016). Desarrollo de un portal para una forja de proyectos de código abierto basado en el generador de sitios webs estáticos de Jekyll. Final Career Project. ETSI Telecomunicación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

This final work represents the results of the development of a system for creating automatically a web portal from the software projects hosted in a corporate GitHub account. This system has been evaluated through its application to the development of a website for the GitHub account of the Group of Intelligent Systems of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Herein it is intended to analyze the static web generator Jekyll and checking its features. The proposed architecture of the project consists of a module that allows users to administer the web site, so that they can select the projects to be published. Thus, the project has integrated authorisation and authentication facilities. The system configuration is stored in a cloud database, Firebase. With the aim of enabling its cross-browser compatibility and adaptability, the framework Jekyll-Bootstrap has been chosen and has been customised to the web site theme. The result of the project has been protected as UPM software and is available with an open source licence.