This version: | (RDF/XML, HTML) |
Latest version: | |
Editors: | J. Fernando Sánchez-Rada |
Authors: | J. Fernando Sánchez-Rada |
Contributors: | See acknowledgements |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. This copyright applies to the Pearl Ontology Specification and accompanying documentation in RDF. This ontology uses W3C's RDF technology, an open Web standard that can be freely used by anyone.
The following specification is a formal description of metadata schema proposal that can be applied to data gathered for modeling users in a smart environment. The goal of the following section is to introduce both Semantic Web to the topic and goals of the ontology and provide the basic knowledge to comprehend the technical part of the specification.
The Semantic Web is a W3C initiative that aims to introduce rich metadata to the current Web and provide machine readable and processable data as a supplement to human-readable Web.
Semantic Web is a mature domain that has been in research phase for many years and with the increasing amount of commercial interest and emerging products is starting to gain appreciation and popularity as one of the rising trends for the future Internet.
One of the corner stones of the Semantic Web is research on inter-linkable and interoperable data schemas for information published online. Those schemas are often referred to as ontologies or vocabularies. In order to facilitate the concept of ontologies that lead to a truly interoperable Web of Data, W3C has proposed a series of technologies such as RDF and OWL. Pearl uses those technologies and the research that comes within to propose an ontology for the particular goal of describing users characteristics and the relationships with contextual information.
In this context, PEARL has been defined with the purpose of performing the semantic modelling of users in the Emospaces platform. PEARL uses RDF and OWL to describe user characteristics and the relationships with contextual information.
An alphabetical index of Pearl terms, by class (concepts) and by property (relationships, attributes), are given below. All the terms are hyperlinked to their detailed description for quick reference.
Classes: | AgeGroup | Sex | Personality |
The Pearl class diagram presented below shows connections between classes and properties used for describing opinions.
After analysing use cases, the main and most relevant features related to users have been identified. In the first version of PEARL, the model has been defined integrating some of these features such as age range, sex and personality, as shown in Table 2. These are basic and main features for analysing data delated to the user. All of them may have certain values which are also defined by the ontology and are also shown in Table 2. With regards to age ranges, four values have been identified, corresponding to four phases in human life: children (0-14 years), youths (15-24), adults (25-64) and seniors (+65) [Statcan]. Possible values of personality are based on the Model of Big Five, proposed by Goldberg in 1993 [Gol93], and includes the following values: sociable, joy, active, assertive, anxious, depressive, tense, aggressive, cold, egotism, impersonal, and impulsive. Finally, sex includes male and female.
As future work, other features specifics to each use case of the project that also result relevant will be included, such as performance (for e-learning), consume habits (for retail market), etc.
Used with: | |
Sub class of | owl:Thing |
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Used with: | |
Sub class of | owl:Thing |
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Used with: | |
Sub class of | owl:Thing |
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This documentation has been generated automatically from the most recent ontology specification in OWL using a python script called SpecGen. The style formatting has been inspired on FOAF specification.
Special thanks for support with ontology creation and research to: Prof. Carlos A. Iglesias and members of the GSI Group of DIT department of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
This ontology has been modified and updated to be used in the EMOSPACES Project