
Hoy 12/12/2024 se presenta el proyecto AMOR en el UNICO I+D Project Meet-up Madrid organizado por el proyecto ELADAIS con la participación de los proyectos UNICO CLOUD financiados en la UPM (ELADAIS, MAP 6G, RISC 6G, MLEDGE, INESData, Data & Cloud Continuum y AMOR), y SEGGITUR, la Comisión Europea, European Data Spaces y GAIA-X, EU Cloud Edge IoT Continuum, y IPCEI Next Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Service

The article "To Click It or Not to Click It: An Italian Dataset for Neutralising Clickbait Headlines" has been presented at the Tenth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2024). The publication is authored by Daniel Russo, Oscar Araque, and Marco Guerini. The article has received the Best Student Paper Award at the conference.

Link to AILC post.


Clickbait is a common technique aimed at attracting a reader’s attention, although it can result in inaccuracies and lead to misinformation. This work explores the role of current Natural Language Processing methods to reduce its negative impact. To do so, a novel Italian dataset is generated, containing manual annotations for classification, spoiling, and neutralisation of clickbait. Besides, several experimental evaluations are performed, assessing the performance of current language models. On the one hand, we evaluate the performance in the task of clickbait detection in a multilingual setting, showing that augmenting the data with English instances largely improves overall performance. On the other hand, the generation tasks of clickbait spoiling and neutralisation are explored. The latter is a novel task, designed to increase the informativeness of a headline, thus removing the information gap. This work opens a new research avenue that has been largely uncharted in the Italian language.

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el 4/12/2024 en 65yMás en


Julia de Enciso, ex-miembro del GSI, ha recibido el premio al mejor expediente en el itinerario de Bioinstrumentación, Biomaterieles y Biomecánica del Grado en Ingeniería Biomédica, otorgado por LifeSTech.
Julia defendió su Trabajo Fin de Grado el pasado Junio, obteniendo la mayor calificación, 10 con Matrícula de Honor. Como resultado de éste trabajo, se ha generado una publicación científica titulada «Exploring Temporal Features in Health Records for Frailty Detection», que ha sido presentada en el CASEIB 2024 (Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica).