de Pablo Marsal, Á., Oscar Araque & Carlos A. Iglesias. (2022). Transfer Learning with Social Media Content in the Ride-Hailing Domain by Using a Hybrid Machine Learning Architecture. Electronics, 11 (2), 23.
de Pablo Marsal, Á. (2021). Design and Development of a Machine Learning System for Opinion and Natural Language Analysis in Social Media. Application to the Ride-Hailing and Radicalization Domains. Trabajo de fin de carrera.
de Pablo Marsal, Á., Oscar Araque & Carlos A. Iglesias (2020). Radical Text Detection Based on Stylometry. In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy. Valletta, Malta : ScitePress.
de Pablo Marsal, Á. (2019). Design and Development of a Stylometry Library for Texts in Spanish and English. Application to Terrorist and Radical Texts.. Trabajo de fin de carrera (TFG). Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSI Telecomunicación.