With the success of Web 2.0 we are witnessing a growing
number of services and APIs exposed by Telecom, IT and
content providers. Targeting the Web community and, in
particular, Web application developers, service providers ex-
pose capabilities of their infrastructures and applications
in order to open new markets and to reach new customer
groups. However, due to the complexity of the underly-
ing technologies, the last step, i.e., the consumption and
integration of the oered services, is a non-trivial and time-
consuming task that is still a prerogative of expert develop-
ers. Although many approaches to lower the entry barriers
for end users exist, little success has been achieved so far.
In this paper, we introduce the OMELETTE
project and
show how it addresses end-user-oriented telco mashup de-
velopment. We present the goals of the project, describe
its contributions, summarize current results, and describe
current and future work.