In the last years there has been a peak of the Internet of the Things. It opens many possibilities for the development of new applications and services. IoT is the net of all types of objects with interconnection among them. These objects are normally equipped with ubiquitous intelligence. We can apply IoT to monitor, control and automate some daily activities.
The project defines an automation platform based on ECA (Event-Condition-Action) rules. The rules, the channels, the action and the event can be defined using EWE ontology which is based in semantic technologies.
With all this, the objective of the project is to create an automation platform. This platform will permit multi-event and multi-action rules, i.e. it will enable that the rule needs to evaluate various events to trigger various actions.
The rules will be imported automatically. Each rule is associated with a place (GSI Lab, library, ..). The associated rules in a place might be similar to the associated rules in another place. If the user enters in a new place where there are rules similar to his imported rules, the application will notify him and he could import them automatically.
The application will be able to connect with some kinds of sensors, such as Beacons. If the user connects with them, the application will know where he is. The user's presence could be an event and it will be really useful in the automatic import of rules.
It will also create a multi-floor simulator, so that the user might test the rules in the different smart places.
The technologies and tools which this project will use are: css, html, JavaScript and php for the front-end, php will be used in back-end too; MongoDB Database, where the users, channels and rules will be saved; the channels and rules will be written in Notation3, EYE will be the reasoning engine, the EWE ontology describes the actions, channels, events and rules.