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Con enorme pesar, comunicamos el fallecimiento de  nuestro compañero, el profesor Gregorio Fernández Fernández. Gregorio Fernández nació en Jaén en 1943. Realizó sus estudios de Ingeniero de Telecomunicaci ...

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Canal GSI

SDGine gives 12 Early-Stage Researchers the opportunity to complete International Industrial Doctorates at UPM. The researchers will enjoy a 36-month employment contract to complete a Ph.D. degree co-supervised by a UPM professor and an industrial supervisor from one of the companies that are participating in this project.


The contracts will follow the model “Contrato Predoctoral” regulated under Spanish law by the “Ley 14/2011, de 1 de junio de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación (LCTI)” and the “RD 103/2019”.

The gross salary for researchers with family responsibilities (i.e. spouse, children) will be 32.590,82€ per year. The gross salary for researchers with no family responsibilities will be 27.810,71€, per year.

Researchers will receive a yearly Research Budget that will cover any cost that may arise from his/her research (equipment, conference attendance, open access fees, seminar registrations, etc).

Employment conditions will be aligned with the “Charter & Code” for researchers, Spanish and UPM regulations. 


Applications: https://sdgine.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Call-for-applicants_final.pdf