The aim of this project is the development and implementation of a web framework which
allows the creation and simulation of social networks in order to analyse the diffusion of
hearsay in accordance to the relationship between the different types of users. With this
purpose, a web framework has been developed capable of generating networks from an initial
number of nodes inserted by the user, a possibility of creating an own network inserting
each node and its relationship with each other or loading a network created previously. The
generated network, can be saved for future simulations. A behaviour will be assigned to
each agent (users of the network) depending on the number of its relations with the others
agents. As last functionality, the user can download the red in a GEXF (Graph Exchange
XML Format) file in order to process it with a SNA software. A last functionality added
to the project is the possibility of download the code in order to extend the behaviour of
the agents to adapt it to the user’s needs.
This report presents the build-up of the framework piecemeal and subsequent connection
between them in order to shape the final framework. An analysis of the different tools used
and why they are chosen or not is included too. Finally, some appendixes are included to
extend some aspects and facilitate the understanding of these, and some tutorials to provide
the needed information to maintain and develop future improvements.