PARTICIPATION. Analyzing and Preventing Extremism Via Participation
Proposed start date
Proposed end date
PARTICIPATION (H2020, Project SEP-210655026)
The project primary purpose is to prevent extremism, radicalization, and polarisation that can lead to violence through more effective social and education policies and interventions that target at-risk groups to be performed through the establishment of a holistic framework and the engagement\involvment of social actors, local communities, civil society, and policymakers.
Objectives and expected impact
- to develop a holistic multidimensional model based on participatory fieldwork and a mixed-method approach, analyzing and discussing through an action research strategy involving young people in different sides of Europe, the socio-psychologic mechanisms that lead to extremism, radicalization, and polarisation,
- to identify future perspectives and trends of hate speech, extremism, and radicalization, developing communicative tools, education approaches, and community-based strategies,
- to improve the awareness of young people and communities as well as society as a whole,
- to realize databases and a systematic set of indexes and early warnings, developing a set of policies recommendations with the participation of stakeholders, policy-makers, and targets.
Budget: 215.600€
More information about the project can be found at: