Development of a Social Influence Graph Analytics System for Big Social Data

Pablo Álvarez. (2016). Development of a Social Influence Graph Analytics System for Big Social Data. Final Career Project. ETSI Telecomunicación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

The aim of this project is twofold: 1) to characterize social context, 2) to create a platform to collect and analyse social context, i.e. context of users and content in social media. In particular, we aim to automatically detect possible influencers and assess their relevance and impact capabilities in a given topic. The main aspects of the platform are the algorithms to analyse the social context. This work provides an overview of the state of the art in such algorithms, as well as a description of the algorithms implemented. The platform also provides an interface to load target users and tweets into the system. Additionally, we have implemented a web interface through which users can access the results of the analysis. e.g. to study the influence of specific users or content, as well as the evolution of influence over time. Finally, we present the conclusions drawn from work, the possible lines of continuation of the project and the next steps in terms of development and use of the platform.