Daniel Carlander-Reuterfelt Gallo. (2019). Development of a Cognitive Bot for Data Science tutoring based on a Big Data Natural Language Analytics Platform. Final Career Project (TFG). Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSI Telecomunicación.
Alberto López Santiago. (2019). Tráfico de bicicletas a través de un servicio de enrutamiento basado en OpenStreetMap.. Final Career Project (TFG). Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSI Telecomunicación.
Ignacio Ramos. (2019). Design of a facial emotion recognition system using Deep Learning techniques. Final Career Project (TFM). Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSI Telecomunicación.
Julián Amigó Francés. (2019). Development and Evaluation of a Sarcasm Detection Algorithm based on Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Techniques. Final Career Project (TFG). Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSI Telecomunicación.
Alberto Pascual-Saavedra. (2019). Development of a Big Data system for analysis and visualization of social media based on REST services. Final Career Project (TFM). Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSI Telecomunicación.
Álvaro Fernández Rivero. (2019). Design and implementation of a Social Media Monitoring Web Application based on React framework and Elasticsearch. Final Career Project (TFG). Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSI Telecomunicación.
Guzman Gómez. (2019). Development of a Reinforcement Learning Module based on Q-Learning of a Multi-agent System for Emergency Evacuation Simulation. Final Career Project (TFG). Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSI Telecomunicación.
Alejandro Garrido. (2019). Design and Development of a Multiplatform Mobile Application for a non-profit foundation based on the framework Cordova. Final Career Project (TFG), ETSI Telecomunicación.
Álvarez Fernández del Vallado, J. (2019). Development of a Sarcasm Classifier based on Machine Learning Techniques. Final Career Project (TFG). Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSI Telecomunicación.
Carlos Marzal Romón. (2019). Analysis and Development of a Personal Dashboard for Emotion Tracking. Final Career Project (TFG). Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSI Telecomunicación.
Viviana Mascardi, Danny Weyns, Alessandro Ricci, Clara Benac Earle, Arthur Casals, Moharram Challenger et al. (2019). Engineering Multi-Agent Systems: State of Affairs and the Road Ahead. SIGSOFT Engineering Notes (SEN).
Luis García. (2019). Design and Development of a Lexicon-based Emotion Classifier for the Sports Domain on Twitter. Final Career Project. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Fernando Loro Velardo. (2019). Development of Intrusion Detection Models for CyberSecurity in Computer Networks applying Machine Learning Algorithms. Final Career Project.
J. Fernando Sánchez-Rada, Alberto Pascual-Saavedra, Enrique Conde-Sánchez & Carlos A. Iglesias (2018). A Big Linked Data Toolkit for Social Media Analysis and Visualization based on W3C Web Components. In Hervé Panetto, Christophe Debruyne, Henderik A. Proper, Claudio A. Ardagna, Dumitru Roman & Robert Meersman (editors), On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems. OTM 2018 Conferences. Part II, pages 498-515. Valletta, Malta : Springer-Verlag.
Daniel Suárez, Oscar Araque & Carlos A. Iglesias (2018). How well do Spaniards sleep? Analysis of Sleep Disorders based on Twitter mining. In Proceedings of SNAMS 2018, pages 11-18. Valencia, Spain : IEEE.
Paul Buitelaar, Ian D. Wood, Mihael Arcan, John P. McCrae, Andrejs Abele, Cécile Robin et al. (2018). MixedEmotions: An Open-Source Toolbox for Multi-Modal Emotion Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 20 (9), 2454-2465.
Sergio Muñoz López, Antonio Fernández, Oscar Araque & Carlos A. Iglesias (2018). A Cognitive Agent for Mining Bugs Reports, Feature Suggestions and Sentiment in a Mobile Application Store. In Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Big Data Innovations and Applications (Innovate-Data 2018).
Carlos A. Iglesias & Viviana Patti. (2018). Editorial for the Special Issue on “Love & Hate in the Time of Social Media and Social Networks”. Information, 9 (8), 184.
Martin Haver. (2018). Machine learning applied to behavioral finance in a startup. Final Career Project (Master thesis). Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, EIT Digital, ETSI Telecomunicación, Madrid, Spain.
Luis Jiménez. (2018). Estudio de visibilidad y posicionamiento web en los motores de búsqueda, y su influencia en el modelo de negocio. Final Career Project (PFC). Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSI Telecomunicación.
Rubén Jiménez. (2018). Design and implementation of a predictive module for the intrusion detection system snort based on supervised machine learning algorithms. Final Career Project (PFC). Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSI Telecomunicación.